Contact Information
Contact Midvaal Academy
More Information

Midvaal Academy an independent school serving Foundation , Intermediate and Senior Phases from across Johannesburg South- Midvaal, Lenasia, Everton,Fine-town,Enerdale,Orange Farm,Walkerville, Vlakfontein and Johannesburg C.B.D. Situated within a trnsportation distance from nearby Mall of the South, The Academy proudly stands as one of the region’s best private schools. In addition to excellent academics in a college prep setting that emphasize depth of learning, critical thinking, and an interdisciplinary approach, The Academy offers:

Transportation from JOHANNESBURG C.B.D;
ask us about Johannesburg South transportation options
A great faculty-to-student ratio
Exceptional music, drama, and visual arts programming
Athletics that encourage all students to be active team players, and non competitive options including nearby skiing and whitewater rafting.

To learn more, please submit our contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. To reach us directly, call 0848046085 or email Thanks for your interest!

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